
The objective of the Consortium is to preserve and enhance the natural and cultural heritage and promote the economic, environmental and social functions of the Espai d’Interès Natural de l'Estany de Banyoles. More specifically:

To act as an organ of representation of the institutions of the Consortium in matters in which it has competence.
To participate in the protection, restoration and improvement of the natural and cultural heritage and to foster collaboration with other administrations and organisations.
To obtain resources, subsidies, investments and services in the natural space.
To preserve and plan public or semi-public properties geared towards the protection and preservation of the natural and cultural heritage.
To promote sustainable local development to improve the quality of life of the population.
To foster and plan the rational and sustainable leverage of resources in the space and of the economic and social activities.
To promote environmental education, scientific research and the dissemination and knowledge of the values of the lake basin.
To promote the integral protection of the lake basin and the participation of the other municipalities involved.