Other Life projects

14-07-2010:CAM - Here are some other LIFE projects you may find interesting.


Model for the Restoration of Dune Habitats in the Albufera de València (2001-2004)
Project demonstrating the use of the soil and environmental management of the Gallecs territory as a stable biological connector of the periurban space of the metropolitan area of Barcelona (2001-2004)
Anella Verda (2001-2004)
LIC PARGA-LADRA-TÁMOGA. Improvement of the floodable forest and dystrophic lake, Lugo (Galicia) (2001-2006)
Project for the Restoration, Conservation and Management of the Gallocanta Lagoon (2000-2003)
Restoration and planning of the lagoons and coastal systems of the Baix Ter (1999-2003)
Life Project: Wetlands of Villacañas (1999-2002)
Pirineu Viu (1998-2002)
LIFE project for the sustainable management of la Punta de la Móra, Tarragona (1998-2001)
Recuperació de l'antic Estany de Sils (1998-2001)



Conservation of areas with endangered flora in Minorca (2001-2004)
Protection of the Posidonia meadows in CISs of the Balearics (2001-2005)
Life Myas Project. European Mycological Network (2001-2004)
Trufas de Soria (Soria Truffles)


Recuperació de l'hàbitat d'amfibis i rèptils aquàtics als aiguamolls del Baix Ter (2005-2008)
Conservació de la nàiade amenaçada Margaritífera auricularia al riu Ebre (2001-2004)
Life Project for the conservation of the European mink, La Rioja (2000-2004)
Life Project: Conservation of the European mink in Catalonia
Conservation of cetaceans and turtles in Murcia and Andalusia
Conservation of the Audouin’s gull in Catalonia (1996-2000)
Fundación Oso Pardo [Brown Bear] (1993-1997)